Sign up for a Saturday February 20, 2021 Workshop to paint with Barbara Haviland in my studio.
We will start at 9:30 am and paint until we finish the painting.
The all day workshop cost is 65.00 bring your own lunch. I will have drinks for you. My space is limited so sign up now. You will have fun.
Supplies needed are your ,brushes, and oil paints. Surface to paint on. 9×12 or 11×14
White, Burnt Umber, Ultramarine Blue, Cad Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Sap Green, Cad Red Light, Alizarin Crimson, Brushes of your choice, Palette to mix paints, palette knife. Paper Towels. 11×14 Canvas. table Easel.. I have decided to supply paint to those that don’t know if they want to try painting. This is a great way to determine if you even like or want to learn how to paint.
My space is limited so call or sign up now. 409-332-0141 Beginner to seasoned artists welcome